"Otto Daily" explores the complexities around how historical patterns like migration and religion, have reconfigured the identity of the indigenous Otto community in Lagos, Nigeria.
Otto is located in the south of Oyingbo, Lagos. Prior to the sixteenth century a number of Awori,the southernmost of the Yoruba speaking people dispersed from Isheri, a village twelve miles upthe Ogun River, seeking refuge from conflict. A group of them settled in modern-day Lagos. Therethey established three main settlements, Iddo, Lagos Island, and Otto. Overtime, Iddo and LagosIsland both expanded into a major international metropolitan trading centers.
However, the Otto settlement still retains much of its and communal identity and domestic form of trade. This settlement has a tradition of origin that has been kept alive till today. Although mainly occupied by Yorubas, their customs and traditions have been redefined with distinct customsthrough the influx of people from neighboring states and the Nigerian hinterland.

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